ULTRAPUR open cell polyurethane insulation

The two-component open-cell polyurethane foam was designed for thermal and acoustic insulation. Open-cell polyurethane foam is characterized by very good adhesion. Adheres to all types of substrates: concrete, boards, rafters, membranes, etc.

A building that is insulated with open-cell polyurethane foam provides acoustic and sound insulation, protects it from wind, which finds even the smallest gaps and is the main contributor to overcooling of rooms, which today is no longer a threat .

Thanks to the catalyst system used in the Ultrapur formula, the foam grows constantly and evenly during application. Layers placed on top of each other adhere tightly to each other. This limits the production of openings and voids to a minimum and has a significant impact on the insulation capacity.

The smaller the cells in the foam, the more limited the space for the convective movement of carbon dioxide and air particles.

The components used to produce Ultrapol foam are carefully selected from the point of view of odor and emissions of volatile compounds. All are sourced from reputable European manufacturers who operate under REACH guidelines.

When applied, the foam does not emit an unpleasant odor, and the insulated room can be used after a quick ventilation (there is no unpleasant smell during application, and the room can be used immediately after the insulation is finished).

In short, every foam, regardless of its manufacturer, is a better insulation compared to traditionally used insulations. Of course, there are creatures who love the old method of isolation. These also include mice and martens that bore holes in the corridors and create nests there. For reasons not fully explained, those critters don't like polyurethane and avoid foam-insulated attics.

ULTRAPUR closed-cell polyurethane insulation

Closed-cell (hard) polyurethane foam, which can be produced on site from the two liquid components using a special spray gun, has perfect thermal and water-insulating properties. The cell wall has a microporous structure, large water molecules cannot penetrate it, but it allows the diffusion of vapors..


When the components meet, a thermal and chemical reaction occurs, resulting in gasification and the formation of a closed structure compound, resulting in better thermal insulation of polyurethane foam than any other insulating material:

value verified by measurements: λpur= 0.022 W/mK
The reaction takes place in a few seconds: a layer of solid material is obtained from the liquid. The result is a higher density insulating foam care that can expand up to 40 times its volume after spraying.

Closed cell polyurethane foam has a tight cell structure, having a higher density and is much more rigid than the open cell version. Due to its technical data, it is widely used and has now become an indispensable insulating material.

In addition to the wonderful properties listed so far, such as excellent thermal insulation, perfect waterproofing,we must emphasize that closed-cell polyurethane foam is resistant to steps!Together, these properties make it unique and unmatched, as currently this effectiveness can only be achieved by using several materials together.

Therefore, it is not necessary, but we will mention it again: polyurethane foam is the number one insulating material in the construction industry!
In most cases, the existing insulation is incomplete, insufficient, resulting in unacceptably high heating bills. On-site polyurethane insulation is free of voids, joints and thermal bridges, contact us and say goodbye to frustrating payments.